Monday, May 11, 2009

Yellowstone - Adventures in America's Sacred Wilderness

Yellowstone - Adventures in America's Sacred Wilderness is dedicated to the ideals of preserving our precious wildlife and our last remaining wild spaces. Understanding of these places is our best defense of them. With that in mind I highly recommend not only visiting these places but also participating in organizations that defend and preserve them, such as the Yellowstone Association and Defenders of Wildlife.

All of Yellowstone and all those who enjoy it owe a debt of gratitude to these and other worthy organizations that work to further education and knowledge of Yellowstone, wildlife and our remaining pockets of wilderness.

I'd like to thank the Defenders of Wildlife (DoW) for helping to educate the public on the controversial subject of wolves and their role in our intact ecosystems. DoW works tirelessly to preserve and defend the world's remaining wild wolves and countless other species. I urge everyone to help them in this cause.

I would like to use this space also to thank my wife, without whom my enjoyment of Yellowstone’s wonders would be incomplete.

Only Yellowstone can take vistas like this one and make them seem commonplace. I’ve been to Yellowstone many times; I have never ceased to be awed by the beauty, majesty and grandeur of its landscape.

Ever since I first came to Yellowstone, I've had a great passion for it. When I am in Yellowstone I feel a great contentment and an enthusiasm for it that is hard to explain to someone who doesn’t know it like I do.

I could never adequately explain why I felt the way I did about Yellowstone. One mid September day I was photographing an elk bull bugling, when a fellow visitor asked me how long I’d been there and when I was going home.

It suddenly struck me that I was home. I’ve never felt more at home, never felt more at peace and spiritually aware then when I was hiking around Yellowstone.

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