Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Yellowstone - A Wonderous Place

I have a great respect for nature and always have. Animals and plant life, insects; all are critical to making the wilderness work. Mankind seems to have a way of screwing up the balance just by being there. It's only when we stop, take time and truly see what it is that surrounds us that we can become one with it and understand our own role in its survival.

From the first time I set foot in Yellowstone I knew it was a different place, special...sacred. A soulful place, a spiritual land. I could feel it renewing my spirit. I felt it had a soul of its own that nurtured me. I’ve never felt anything like it anywhere else.

I don't know if there is a good way to explain it to someone who's never experienced it. The only thing I can think of is to take a spiritual experience you've had; either in church, or maybe your baby being born, or the first time you fall in love. Combine that feeling with a sense of coming home after being gone for a very long time. That is what Yellowstone is like to me.

Like any wonderful thing in this world, it doesn’t truly become all it can be for you unless you share it with someone else. I've shared Yellowstone with many people throughout the years; all have come away different, changed. Some have come away from it with the same sense of passion that I have. One of those people is my wife.

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